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It's been one of those days || April 07, 2003
Yep, TWO entries in one day. If you missed the previous one you may want to go back, but be forewarned when wading backwards in my diary .. the Next button will bring you to index.html, not to the next entry if you are reading forward.

I've been going nuts trying to figure out why my Next button isn't working, even going so far as to change the template and take out the .gif image that was there, thinking that the mapping somehow got corrupted. No such luck.

I gave up and decided to ease my pounding headache and surfed around a bit. I ran across a new to me diary while taking surveys and since I liked the answers given, decided to check out some entries.

Lo and behold, what do I discover there kiddies? Ayep, his Next button doesn't work either. We both end up defaulting to Index.html. Hmm. Relief! I'm not nuts and I didn't totally forget how to code for Next. Which is a major relief cuz that's kind of an idiot proof coding shortcut, yanno?

So, I submitted a Problem report through the members area and am biding my time hoping someone in tech support reads it and checks it out.

I had also checked out some buddies diaries and theirs worked, so this leads me to believe that perhaps I'm on a different server than they are on, which is causing the problem. They also have at least Gold memberships, while I and this other diarist don't.

Ahh, yet another reason to upgrade to SuperGold like I've been pondering. With the 30 megs of space Andrew is now giving and the 30,000 banner ads plus the comments-on-the-entry feature I'm pretty much sold.

Now I just have to wait until next month, seeing as how I have already spent my mad money for the month on my as yet to be delivered PDA. *groan*

Speaking of .. they gave me tracking numbers for both the PDA, shipping via FedEx, and the memory card, shipping via UPS. They gave me free shipping on the PDA but not on the memory card. Geeze, how cheesy is that? ~snort~

Anyway, my memory card was supposed to be delivered today and has yet to show up. The PDA left Phoenix on Saturday and has yet to be scanned anywhere. ~grrrr~

Needless to say, Invisible Don -- I feel your pain.


Today was another crappy day. I got no sleep last night. I just couldn't fall asleep until about 6 this morning (keep this time in mind, it comes into play later) and I'll be damned if Gomez didn't get up about then. Do you people have any idea how loud a poptart wrapper is at 6 am? Ugh. Finally I fell asleep, thinking "Eh, I'll get a short nap, then come home from taking them to school and crash for the day."

I wake up at 7:55 to Gomez standing in my room hurriedly trying to get dressed and saying "Mom, don't you think you need to get up?"


Ok, now we all know how I loathe mornings and don't do well during that time period, but my brain kicked into gear. "Why aren't you already dressed??? You've been up two hours!" I growled while stumbling into some clothes. "And why didn't you wake me up before now when you realized my alarm wasn't going off?" to which he succinctly answered "I dunno." *growl*

So while I'm trying to focus my eyes well enough to find shoes I get rebuked because "my gym shorts are still in the washer and I have to have them!!".

Now, this child has known me all his life .. shuddup .. and he knows that mornings really aren't the time to pick a fight with me, but for some dumbass reason he chose not only a morning, but one in which we were running extremely late. Hell, we should have been out the door at the time he chose to wake me up.

As I'm pulling my shoes off to put them back on the right feet this time .. shuddup .. I glared at him and informed him quickly that I had no idea that the gray shorts I tossed into the washer late last night were "THE" gym shorts. I mean I have to threaten this kid to bring his gym shorts home for me to wash. How the hell was I supposed to know he actually listened to me?

I get Kimo up and dressed, though I don't think he actually woke up until he got out at his school. I told Gomez that I'd come home, dry his shorts and bring them to school since he has PE as the second to last class of the day. He sat there and tried to figure out exactly when PE starts so he can give me an EXACT time to bring the damn shorts. I swear this kid isn't suicidal, but yanno, I really have to worry about his sanity at times. This morning being one of those times.

Halfway to his school I realized I had no cash to give him for lunch money. Well fuck me running. *sigh* Ok, plans change again. I tell him I will zip by Kroger, grab him a Lunchable, go home dry his shorts and bring them both back before lunch. He said "Ok, that's do-able."

No, I didn't bitchslap him out the car door. Ain'tcha proud of me? ~beam~

So after I drop him off I go about my running around, much to the dismay of my sleep deprived brain and body. Cramps were hitting hard as well as the stupid headache I've had since umm yesterday?

Then the horror set in. My brain somehow clicked on the fact that when FedEx and UPS deliver, it's almost without exception in the mornings, right before lunch. I tried to keep my cool on the way home, although the thought "If FedEx comes and goes while I'm delivering shorts I'm gonna be a royal bitch to live with tonight." Huh? yeah, moreso than normal.

I got home from shopping and literally stood in the doorway between the living room and kitchen and didn't know what to do first. I needed to get the shorts in the dryer, I desperately needed something to eat and wanted to nuke a sausage biscuit and I had this overwhelming urge to check the tracking on the PDA, figuring it would let me know where it was and if it was nowhere close I could relax about that. I'd be pissed, but I'd relax. While I'm standing there trying to get my frazzled brain to cooperate I glance into my bedroom in time to see Jasper taking a major wizz on my carpet, to be followed almost instantly by the mother of all dumps.

Hmmm, probably should have added "Take the dog out" to the top of the short list huh?

Well, that kinda clinched what to do first, and I cleaned that up, then went about doing what had to be done.

The biscuit got nuked and eaten, the PDA was verified as still in transit, although exactly where is still anyone's guess, the shorts and lunch got delivered to school about 11 and bisa crawled into bed at 11:15 and died until 3:15.

I got up, went and got Kimo from school, letting Gomez walk since it was a pretty day. I told them both to keep it quiet because my head was still pounding and I wanted some more sleep.

Is that a freaking invitation to ask me all sorts of stupid questions? I think it is.

Gomez came and asked if he could go to his friend's house. I said "Yes. Go. I will call you when I leave to come get you." Then for some stupidass reason he wanted to know if Kimo could go too. Through clenched jaw I said "No." three times .. cuz three times is the magic number around our house before they take me seriously.

So I toss and turn, trying to go back to sleep and I'll be slapped nekkid if Gomez didn't call an hour later, when I was finally drifting off, to ask "When do I come home?" No, the kid isn't blonde. I set him straight and dove for the pillow again.

Two more phone calls later I gave up and got up.

Still have that damn headache.


Until next time~


Bedtime is coming early tonight. VERY early!

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Words and Images � bisa-pet