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I need a favor!! || May 08, 2003
This is my third entry of the day, so if it's the first one you are seeing, you may want to backtrack a bit.

I got the comments section working now. Thanks Jill for letting me know it was broken. :)

Now, I need one more favor please from everyone. Today is Gomez's 12th birthday. Could you please leave him happy birthday wishes in my Comments section? I get emailed whenever a comment is left and the link goes straight to the Comments page/window thingy. He won't see that I'm pestering ya'll on my diary. All he will see is that some friends of his mom sent him Birthday wishes. He'll light up and get a huge kick out of it please.

Here's a copy of the wallpaper that Kimo and I made* and loaded onto the computer in his room. He will see it when he gets home later. Needless to say I shrunk it drastically.

(*Kimo's home with an earache today. Sucks when your little brother gets to stay home from school on YOUR birthday.)

Thanks in advance ya'll. :)

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Words and Images � bisa-pet