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this and that || April 12, 2003
Arrggh .... third time to type up this entry. One of these days I'll learn to stop clicking away from this window to go look something else up in diaryland. Trust me folks, it WILL vanish. The first time I was halfway done, the second time I was completely done then got curious as to what these new optional fields are since the upgrade to Super Gold membership.

Dammit dammit dammit.


Ok, enough ranting. ~deep calming breaths~

The survey I wanted to create is done, so ya'll indulge your favorite naughty angel please and go take it. For me? Purdy please?

Here is how to get to it. Huh? Sure! You can link to it to share it with your friends. :)


I found a new diary that I put on my buddy list. It's hysterical. This lady writes about her days working in an Adult Toy store and about the people who come in. I actually went back and read the entry diary because the stories are so funny. I get bummed when she has days off! LOL

This entry had me laughing so hard I was crying. Give her a look .. umm after doing my survey.


Wow, I come back from virtual extinction and begin updating like a wild child and I'll be damned if all my favorites haven't gone on hiatus or something. Hmpf!

So I went exploring and have joined my very first message board. Well wait, I joined one before but I lost interest in it quickly.

This one belongs to Jill and is a lot of fun. Several different forums are there so basically there is something to interest just about everyone. There's quite a few diarylanders there, so you'll probably bump into some of them when you visit .. which you will .. right after doing my survey .. right? I thought so. *beams*


While taking Gomez (oldest son, age "almost 12!") Uncle Kracker's rendition of Drift Away came on the radio. He and I reached for the volume knob at the same time and he kind of looked surprised.

He started singing along with the first lyric and his eyes bugged out when I matched him, word for word. We sang the whole song together in near perfect harmony, with him just staring at me in awe.

When the song was over he turned down the volume and looked at me and sputtered "HOW do you know the words to that song??" He was totally blown away that his "old" mom knew the words to an Uncle Kracker song.

Just as I opened my mouth to explain that Drift Away first became popular (at least to me) when I was HIS age, Kimo (other son, age 6) piped up from the back seat with "Geeze Gomez! I keep telling you! She's MOM, she knows EVERYTHING!"

I just left it at that.

Until next time~


Note to self: Ok bisa, enter the short description, slap a name of the page on it and hit the Done! button. For the love of pink, don't move off the page!! Better yet, copy this before ya do that, just in case!

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Words and Images � bisa-pet