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My lost weekend || October 12, 2002
Coming home yesterday even after dropping off Gomez and Kimo with their Dad I got that all too familiar tingle warning me "Brace yourself, bisa, this is going to get ugly." Yeppers, Migraine Time. (yes, again)

I thought the headache I had a couple of days ago was bad, but oh hell I must have done something awful to piss off the Fates. With the passage of every mile back home my brain started getting more and more fuzzy.

Previous battles with this monster has taught me to do whatever I absolutely needed to get done done before it got any worse. So, I passed my exit, whimpering as I did so cuz all I wanted to do was head home and crawl into bed, and took the next one that shoots one into the middle of downtown.

Now, my town isn't a booming metropolis by any stretch of the imagination, but Friday afternoon traffic is horrid. It's like everyone in bisa-ville forgets common courtesy and any grasp of driving skills they once had flies out the window come 5pm on Fridays. (bisa pet peeve #2, idiot drivers)

I battle the traffic and turn into Kroger parking lot by the skin of my teeth and stumble forth into the glaring aisles (not good for migraine sufferers, lemme tell ya) in search of food. This of course was made worse by the fact that my brain was barely functioning at this point and was screaming at me "No thinking, sleep! Me want sleep!". I managed to grab a couple cans of soup and some sodas and then headed for Kimo's most favorite place in the world. Yep, the self check out lines.

Ahhhh thank you lord, no one was there. Gonna be a cinch, right? Step up there, scan the sodas and soup, then be on my merry way. Wrong. Phuggen machine just did NOT want to cooperate with me. I think it missed Kimo. Thankfully the angel who was overseeing those lines was on top of things and got everything reset as soon as it intoned "See the clerk" at me. Was he a guardian angel sent by the fates to help out a poor suffering woman? Or was it the feral look in my eyes that warned him that if that damn machine didn't cooperate I was going to feed it a can of soup? Who knows. Hell who cares. LOL

I get home and scoot inside, amazingly sidestepping the legions of toys left in the living room floor. I think the kids do that on purpose, but I could be wrong. I shoved the sodas in the fridge, stash the soup in the pantry and head for my bedroom. I popped some Excedrin Migraines, washed them down with Mtn Dew and settled into my puter chair to check email. Yeah yeah, I know .. migraines and monitors don't mix, but I was hurting too bad at that point to sleep. I needed to chill out and relax before laying down. So I checked email, clicked over to my diaryland buddy list for updates, clicked on some banners to take a peek at some new to me diaries, then decided to go lay down for a bit.

Uh huh. A bit.

I stretched out on the bed and started to read. The last time I glanced at the clock it was just turning 7pm. I got a couple of phone calls, although I couldn't tell you who called. I do remember muttering "migraine" into the phone a few times and apparently whoever called knows me well enough to know about my migraines, cuz I didn't have a long conversation with anyone. At least that I remember.

I woke up and stretched, noticing that it was dark, but not thinking much about it since it gets dark earlier and earlier these days. I lay there thinking I'd get up, go pee, and see if I could eat anything. I turned over to get out of bed and glanced at the clock. Holy Chit! It was 3:15 a.m. Hmm, so much for a fun filled Friday night.

After making the potty run, then nuking some soup I sat down at the puter and stared at it for Ohh, I dunno, 20 minutes before finally figuring out that I actually had to point and click to get it to do anything.

The migraine had subsided a bit, although hadn't totally vanished. Of course, I was wide awake, umm sort of. Better to say I wasn't sleepy. Yeah, that's more accurate.

I was going to do a diary entry, but all I could think was "Migraine. Ouchie. Whimper" and didn't think that would be too cool. I caught up with Chrome and he kept me entertained for several hours, discussing dsurvivor4, his new computer Fernando, impatience and how important a role couches play in people's lives. Thanks Chromey for babysitting me. :)

About ummm oh hell I dunno what time it was, the sun was up, maybe it was around 8 or 9 a.m. I started wobbling in my chair, migraine making it's presence known again so I said my goodnights to the Shiny Dude and crawled back into bed.

More phone calls, more muttered "migraine" answers and lots more sleep. I woke up at 7 pm tonight feeling like I had been hit by a truck. There really is a thing as too much sleep as far as your muscles go. Between being in bed and the tension of my muscles that happens with migraines I feel like I've been beaten .. and not in a kinky "oh god that hurts, do it again!" way either.

I had to check the date to make sure I hadn't slept all the way through Saturday and into Sunday. I think my plans with Lynae kind of fell through, seeing as how (1) she didn't call and (2) there's no way I can go out tonight. Hell fire, I'm not even sure I can make it out to grab something to eat. I'm not wanting soup again and considering all I've had to eat in the past 24 hours has been a bowl of soup I probably should eat. But bleh, I am not hungry. I'm thinking I'll order some beef fried rice and just stick it in the fridge for later so that when my stomach wakes up about midnight I'll have something to appease it.

I am still suffering from brain drain apparently cuz my eyes keep going in and out of focus. LOL Makes for real interesting reading, lemme tell ya. I was scouting some webhosting sites, trying to find one that I think won't fold on me after they get my money, but damned if I can make heads or tails out of them now.

I need a shower in the worst kind of way, but I'm fairly sure that I'll get lost on the way to the bathroom if I tried it now. Damn, I wish the restaurants here delivered.

Ok, gonna go pick up some food. If ya'll don't hear from me in a day or so, call the calvary cuz I got lost coming home. :-)



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