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Trees, peeves and seeds || April 24, 2003
Whew, the tree that broke off during the storm is finally completely down now. It was touch and go there for a while as we were concerned it would roll and hit the house while we were taking down the still standing, but dead, part. Luck was with us though and even though it did roll, the guide rope caught and kept it from going back onto the house.

My scratches are healing nicely, thank you and my bruises have reached that lovely shade of puke yellowish-green. My muscles aren't screaming in protest at me any longer, just sort of moaning in a defeatist groan. The sunburn is itching like crazy though.

My mother, in all her infinite wisdom, told me "Well if you'd get outside and do things then you wouldn't burn to a crisp and you wouldn't hurt so bad."

This from a woman who is big into what our family has deemed "Let's" projects. As in she says to my Dad, "Honey, let's ....." and then completely abandons ship once the project has started. And let me tell you folks, she doesn't pick the little projects to do. Nope, she goes for the rock hauling, tree truck digging, cement mixing type projects.

The reason she abandons the projects isn't because she's lazy. It's because she's bossy and picky. She gets pissed off whenever someone comes up with a different (read: more practical) way of doing something she's trying to accomplish.

"Umm Mom, wouldn't it be easier to move that pea gravel using a wheel-barrow instead of bucket by bucket-load?"

"FINE! Since I don't know anything about my own project I'll just go inside."

Yeah, an extreme example, but you get the drift.


So um .. let's see .. what else .. OH! Pet peeve of the moment: People who don't realize that one, and very rarely two, marks of punctuation will suffice. If you are putting seven !'s after every sentence, how the heck am I supposed to know which sentences are the very important and exclamatory ones?

Trust me, multiple !'s aren't anywhere near as good as multiple O's. ~cheesy grin~


So anyway, now that the tree is down and the yard is looking better I'll have more time to make entries and I can also get back to doing my tags and graphics, which I have sorely missed. I've managed to collect some great graphics and I'm chomping on the bits to get some play time with them.

Since summer vacation is fast approaching I'm going to have to get busy working up the adult graphics, as it's hard to do anything with them when Gomez and Kimo are running in and out constantly.

"Mom!? What is that man doing to that woman? And what IS that angel doing to that demon?"

Errrr .... nah, don't want to answer those questions anytime soon. So I'll have to stick with PG rated stuff when they are around.


Answering Spam emails - We all get spam, it's the price you seem to pay these days for having an email address. I always skim the subject lines of emails to pick out the "real" email that needs my attention. I realized the other day that in my mind I was glibbly answering the spam subject lines.

Hmm - side note here but it seems like I do an awful lot of conversing inside my head. Should I worry?

Anyway, here's some of the subject lines and my answers to them:

Subject: 1 Acre of land on the moon 29.99

Answer: And how is that zoned? Cuz I don't want to be next to some trailer park. Not that I have anything against trailer parks, they're just tornado magnets. I'm just sayin.

S: Want to take full advantage of your phone?

A: Hmm, it already tells me someone is calling, who it is, the date, the time, it also tells me who called and when. What else is left? Will it do my dishes too?

S: Become a better lover

A: Darlin, if I was any better I'd never get any rest. ~cheeky grin~

S: Act now before it's too late.

A: Nah, I work better under pressure. Besides, If I wasn't late it'd scare people half to death.

S: Hot c0ck (sic) sucker!

A: Why thank you. I've been practicing.

S: Another bad seed? (From Michelle)

A: Well spit it out Michelle! Sheesh!

S: Girls gone wild!

A: Well yeah, Jill and I have been having a blast over on message board but I dunno that we've been "Wild" yet.

S: The Construction Industry wants you.

A: I'll bet they do, but I've done all the lumber handling I care to do for a while. Damn tree.

S: Get paid to shop, get paid to eat out.

A: Sign me up!!

S: Proof of identity required.

A: Well here, I'll hold up my ID to the monitor ya putz.

S: Make your Toilet Paper talk!

A: Yahuh, I can just see this. Middle of the night, bisa goes to potty and the damn toilet paper greets her, scaring the hell out of her and causing a puddle on the floor. I'll pass.

S: Build a Better Beach Body in 9 weeks.

A: Umm, I'm landlocked. How about a better Lake Body in 4 weeks?

And my 2 favorites -

S: There may be porn on your computer bisa!

A: With all the time I've spent on Kaaza I sure as hell HOPE so!!

S: Tired of deleting junk mail?

A: Yes, stop sending it to me, ya mental midget!

Until next time~


Forget the tree falling in the forest question. If a tree falls in bisa's yard the next sound you'll hear is a dial tone from her picking up the phone to call some freakin professionals!!

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Words and Images � bisa-pet