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I feel a draft || April 16, 2003
It got kinda windy today here, wouldn't you say?

Those cables running beneath it are my cable line and my two phone lines. Yeah, if that sucker falls before we can get it cut up tomorrow, I'm gonna be going through internet withdrawals.

I remember when these trees were planted. They weren't much bigger than I was at the time and I think I was about 3. Don't know if you can tell but the still upright fork had been hit by lightning a few years back and out of sentimental (stupid) reasons I've resisted having the tree cut down. I am damn lucky it wasn't the one that fell, hitting the house.

Of course when the cam comes out my little ham has to be in at least ONE of the pictures. His reasoning this time was amazingly logical for a 6 yr old. "Mom, this way people can judge just how big the tree was if I'm standing in front of it." Nevermind that he insists on going to the branch end of it and not the trunk end. Gotta get "his" tulips in there yanno. LOL

So, if ya'll don't hear from me for a few days, you'll know why.

Cross your fingers, light a candle, sacrifice a cheesecake -- whatever, just help that tree stay put through the night for me, k?


Until next time~


I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Jasper

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Words and Images � bisa-pet