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We need a clean up on aisle 3 ... || October 02, 2002
First .... that tag that I posted on the last entry .. I made 72 of them for all the members on my email sig tag lists. I got such positive feedback and overwhelming amount of letters thanking me for the "wonderful idea" that I decided to do something I've never done before and which is rarely, if ever, done in the tagging world. I offered it up to anyone who wanted one. Meaning that everyone who got one could show it off in their other groups and tell people that they could write to me and I'd be happy to make it for them. If they wanted one for friends or family members that was cool too. I figured I'd get maybe 15 or 20 requests for it. No big deal right? Wrong! At last count I've made 137 of them and still have 16 pending to do and the emails are just rolling in. It's so awesome to read the letters from people who have beaten the terrible disease. It's also heartbreaking to read stories of friends and family members lost. :(

Now for the fun stuff. Tonight the monsters were bored and begged me to play Kimo's favorite pretending game. Store. Hush, it gets better. He worked and labored and got all his toys set out on display just right in my bedroom. He had all his hotwheel cars lined up for display. All his stuffed critters stacked up neatly. Clothes folded in messy piles. (Side note: WHY he can be that meticulous when it comes to playing yet he can't walk through his room without stepping on something, be it toys, books or clothes, is beyond me.)

Then he decides that he is the "shopper" and I'm the "money taker" and Gomez is gonna be the "put'er in the bagger". My jewelry box is the cash register because it has one of those nifty slide out drawers where the money goes. I used some of those annoying subscription cards that fall out of magazines as the receipts. I'd put them under the lid of the jewelry box and pull them out and "rip" them off as needed.

Since I was the "money taker" that meant that I was also in charge of scanning stuff .. yes yes, I even had to make that "BEEP" sound that he's so fascinated with. Shaddup, you had to be here. lol

So Kimo pulls his little red wagon around, picking out his "purchases" and finally makes his way to me. I scan all the items but apparently had a brain fart on one and forgot to say "BEEP". Well ladies & gents, we know what that means right? Yeppers!! I lean over to the silk rose in the vase which is sitting on the table, right behind the jewelry box and immediately request a "PRICE CHECK!" LOL

Gomez hops up and takes off running "down the aisles" (thru the house) being a good store gofer. So Kimo and I stand there waiting ... and waiting ... and waiting ... get the picture? Finally Kimo says "I'm gonna go find him!" and he takes off. From the back of the house I hear:

Kimo: What are you doing??

Gomez: Watching tv

Kimo: Yer 'posed to be price checking! Yer gonna get fired!

Gomez: Oh yeah!! Ok ok.

Then Kimo reappears shortly and looks at me with this totally serious look on his face and says "Geeze, just like in a real store!!" LMFAO

Later taters~


The answer to the brain teaser is that at that moment it was 12:34 5/6/78

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