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Oh what a beautiful morn .. || February 03, 2003
Hmm, what a day and it's just starting.

Quick mention here of the space shuttle tragedy. I've read where people have actually gotten offended by diarists who didn't mention the disaster in their own diaries. I won't link to the ones I've seen, for the simple fact that I'll be damned if I'm going to promote judgemental people.

Ok, so as not to offend, here's my mention: It was horrible. It was tragic. I'm sorting through my feelings on this matter and if me not pouring out my heart and soul about it in my diary chaps your ass, ya better go looking for Chapstick. It's MY diary, get a grip. Enough said from me on the topic.

Moving on ~~

The migraine from yesterday has faded, leaving me with what I have dubbed "brain bruise." It's that feeling of your brain not quite working right, as if you are in a fog. Decisions are real tough to deal with in this state. You don't hurt bad enough to want to kill anyone who turns on the light or speaks above a whisper, but your whole mentality changes to "Yeah, whatever you want. Just leave me the hell out of it."

This morning we woke up to 60 degree weather ... in February people!! Geeze. In December I was doing Christmas shopping in shorts and a tshirt. Now I know I'm in the south, but that just ain't right. LOL

Anyway, besides the offbalancedness (yes, new word, ya'll write it down)this morning was actually pretty good. I love being able to just roll out of bed, tug on shorts under the oh so fetching sleeping ensemble of tshirt and panties and slip into sandals to take the lil monsters to school. No big production of gathering coats, hats and gloves. No having to warm up the car (which is pointless anyway because it's a rule of physics I'm sure that a car won't get warm inside on a cold morning until you are putting it in park and turning it off).

Of course Jasper took full advantage of the warmer weather, deciding to run around and around the car in a game of "You can't catch meeeeeeeeee" as I'm trying to get him loaded up to go. He's built low for speed, yanno. Funny thing is he loves to "go bye bye" so I'm figuring he was just being frisky and enjoying the warmer temperature too.

The sky was overcast and rain is predicted for later today. You could smell it in the air. I love that. Of course this fantastic weather isn't going to last. They are saying we may get snow towards the end of the week. *eye roll* No wonder everyone around here stays sick. bleh.

Oh, speaking of Jasper ... yes I was, just a paragraph ago ... he goes in to see the vet Wednesday. He has developed what they call Cherry Eye, which is a blocked tear duct and common in Bostons. They are going to remove it and check his ears because he's been scratching them and yelping. He'll also get his shots and get his damned nails clipped. I told my sis-in-law, who is the veterinary assistant that while he's out from the surgery that would be the perfect time to clip his nails because he is simply unable to hold still. Better her than me, let me tell ya. She gets paid for that combat, I don't.

I got a lot of funny looks last night when I stopped by the grocery store. I picked up a huge bag of rawhide chews and a big box of bandaids and that's it. LOL I've got more scratches and bites on me than I can count. Let me tell you, if I was going for the used and abused look, I'd have it down cold. Scratch marks on inner thighs .. ewwwww from him trying to jump into my lap when I am sitting indian style on my chair, ya pervert .. bite marks on my ankles. Trust me here, folks, bite marks can be a turn on, just not puppy sized ones on the ankles. ~wiggles eyebrows~

Anyway, apparently I looked pretty damned desperate last night in the store. You'd have thought from the size of the bag of rawhides and the size of the box of bandaids that I have pitbulls at home, and not a little bitty Boston Terrier. But geeze, little bitty Bostons have little bitty needle-like teeth which slice through skin even when they aren't biting down, per se. Just a little nip, which causes the natural reaction of yanking that hand back, results in a nasty slice, normally on the cuticle at the base of the nailbed. That's a tender spot! IT IS TOO! Don't believe me? Just wait until you get a papercut on the cuticle of your thumb and then you shove your hand down into a file folder to get a paper, or into your purse to fish something out. Then tell me that mofo doesn't hurt. *hmpf*

Hmm, speaking of the little darling, he's out cold on my bed and now is the perfect time to crawl back in myself.

*crossing fingers and hoping the dang prev/next gif doesn't end up in the middle of this entry cuz I still haven't fixed it ... will also get the Favorites page done and linked up correctly sometime soon*

Until next time~


"Don't like the weather? Just hang around 5 minutes, it'll change" - Frequent Arkansas saying

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