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Ho Ho Ho and Owwwww || 12.13.03
I've been meaning to put this in my diary but it seems like other things keep jumping ahead of it.

Finally I've got a few minutes with nothing pressing so I thought I'd put it here. It's one of those things that your kid does that makes you laugh and smile, but if you don't record it you'll end up forgetting it through the years.

Gomez gave me his Christmas list a few days ago and this is what it said:

The Sims for PS2

ATV Offroad Fury 2

Headphones (big)

Dubcar - little

R/C car

Bigger TV

Cammo bed comforter

True Crime


[circled heavily]Need for Speed Underground

Then to the side he ever so thoughtfully provided me a Key to the markings, saying "The underlined stuff is what I really want. The circled game is what I really really really want and if you don't get me anything else, get me that."

(LOL - gotta love a kid that can prioritize his begging, huh?)

Then at the bottom he wrote:

"Hey mom, you are looking good today. Did you get your hair cut new? Cool. I hope you get me what I want. The underlined ones are really what I want, ok?"

Again with the clarification. LOL Is he thorough or is anal-rententativeness rearing it's ugly head? I'm almost sure he gets that from his Dad.

Umm yeah. Pretty sure anyway.

Kimo's Christmas list read:

Tony Hawk Underground.

Cool stuff.

Short sweet and to the point. The thing is with Kimo, he's still young enough that his mind changes with every commercial he sees. The only thing he's consistently said he's wanted is the Tony Hawk game. He's easier to shop for, needless to say.


I've gotten almost all my Christmas shopping done already. I've just got a few more little things to pick up, but basically it's all done.

I'm amazed. Usually I'm one of those that is out on Christmas Eve, pulling stuff together. I'm not sure what got into me, but I suspect that Mom's exhuberance has rubbed off on me. Also, last year I really missed out on the fun of Christmas shopping. I was sooooooo sick at the time that the only presents I bought were things for the boys, and even then Mom helped me out a lot by taking my lists and hunting stuff down for me. She even wrapped them all too. For all the adults on my list I went to Outback and got gift certificates and called it quits.

Oh hells bells, I just remembered -- I've still got to get Kimo those damn Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. Hey, do me a favor?

Ya'll that talk to me on messengers, when ya see me, keep asking me if I got them, so I don't forget cuz sure as the world I will.


I'll do something nice for ya in return. :)

Ok, I'm off. I'm trying to get myself motivated to get dressed and out of the house to get some things, but damn, Mother Nature is having a friggen field day playing Stomp on my back and uterus.

Hmm, maybe I'll just curl up with a bowl of soup and a bottle of Motrin instead.

Until next time~


Note to self: Survivor Finale is on tomorrow night!! Please don't let Jon be in the top two!

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Words and Images � bisa-pet