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Being sick sucks || 01.20.04
Just back from the doctor's office. The diagnosis - a blocked eustachian tube in my right ear is what's causing the pain. It's also the cause of the damn dizziness that blessed me this morning in a big way. I'm fine if I'm looking directly at something because that's when the world stands still but oh my lord, everything goes out of whack if I move my eyes even a centimeter. Bleh. It's like being drunk without having the buzz. I feel ripped off. So he gave me some Rhinocort to use and said I'll feel better in a few days. No pain meds tho, dammit.

My damn blood pressure is still too high so he gave me some samples of a med to try to get it under control. (You can stop worrying now Mama Trin)

He also gave me some samples of Imitrex for the blasted period induced migraines. (See Mama Trin, told ya you can stop worrying.)

Have I mentioned that I really love my doc?

The DS5 IC deadline is staring me in the face ... well sorta, it's not due until Wednesday night so I still have some time to try to come up with something. Should be very interesting ... or lame ... depending on how I feel when I sit down to rewrite it.

Anyway, I'm taking my meds and going to bed.

Don't call me, I'll call you.

Until next time~

bisa <-- who is totally in love with her Doc now.

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Words and Images � bisa-pet